Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mascara Review-Intro

I'm starting a review series(unless I get lazy LOL) on mascaras. I find it to be MUCH easier to review mascaras on a blog rather then on a video. So anyway, it'll be a specific format and a picture for each review. 
  • Price
  • Ease of Application
  • Ease of Removal
  • Brush
  • Wear
  • Lengthening Abilities
  • Multiplication of Lashes
I'm sure I'll add a small little rant/rave at the end. Hopefully I'll have a picture of my lashes with the mascara on them. 

Also I wanted to state in this post that mascaras are hard to review because no one has the same lashes. What works for me won't necessarily work for you. The best way to test these mascaras is to try them, especially since some of these are $3-4. 

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