Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Glimpse Inside my Life...

I wanted to do a quick post(I haven't posted much recently, we're moving and I have been SO busy) about my life and some pictures to show you about it. =]
My dog Bear

My mom's dog Chase

 Bear again....

My wonderful boyfriend, Drew

My little puppy Aldo

My old man Eddy

Basically this is just a post of my family really haha. I have 3 dogs- Bear, Aldo and Eddy. I live with my boyfriend Drew, who deals with me and loves me regardless of my cosmetics obsession. And of course, my parents, who I couldn't find any good pictures I added a picture of one of their dogs. 

My dogs are my life! I love rescuing animals, and I really want to devote my life to it. 

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