Saturday, January 29, 2011

What's In Right Now?

Well I know I don't make videos on what's in and what's out...and I know most people just make lists but I'd like to include pictures. I want to state really quickly that none of these are mine unless stated!

Sweater tights
Heavy night cream for dry skin
A non-sticky lipgloss with minimal sparkle
Bright, orange lips
Powder foundation

Jizz lips
Heavy, dry foundations
Dry patches on the skin

As you can tell, I don't have many Ins/Outs right now...but as the season changes I'm sure I'll have more! If you got this blog address from my YouTube then I thank you for taking the time to read it, but if you haven't checked out my YouTube, go ahead and click here and check it out. I'd really appreciate it. 

Love, Riley

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